Andreas L.Katonis PhD


All Publications

2022Tagore in Europe – The Greek-Hungarian Connection, Langers, 2022Book of EssaysDownload 98
2019The Greek language through the centuries. (English, Lecture given at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, School of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies, New Delhi, on 19th November 2008. Modified and updated in 2019. Unpublished. – The paper examines Greek in its continuity, from its earliest attestations down to our times. (In print)Lecture in print
2019A benáreszi konferencia /‘The Seminar in Varanasi’/ (Hungarian, Report on the Varanasi Seminar by the aid of International Seminar on Foreign Interactions and Globalization of Indian Art and Culture From Vedic to Modern Times, Programme guide edited by Vinay Kumar, April 8-10, 2018; Varanasi-New Delhi 2018. Klió 74/4: 85-91)Report Download_97.1

2018Greek Indologist Dimitrios Galanos (English, Paper. Saṁskṛti Sandhāna [Varanasi, India] 31,2: 1-4)PaperDownload Paper_96.1

Download Intro’s 96.2
2018Greek Indologist Dimitrios Galanos. (English, PPP at An International Seminar on Foreign Interaction and Globalization of Indian Art and Culture. From Vedic to Modern Times. Varanasi, 8-10 April 2018)PPP
2018Újdelhiből Athénen keresztül Budapestre (Hungarian, Interview. Beszélgetés Katona Endre Professzor Úrral, az Újdelhi Jawaharlal Nehru Egyetem Görög Tanszékének vezetőjével. Ελληνισμός /Ellinizmos/. Magyarországi Görögök Országos Önkormányzata. 2018, január-február, pp. 40-44)ArticleDownload_95
2018Από το Νέο Δελχί στην Βουδαπέστη μέσω Αθηνών (Greek, Interview. Συνέντευξη με τον Καθηγητή κ. Ανδρέα Κατώνη (Endre Katona) επικεφαλής της Έδρας Νεοελληνικών Σπουδών του Πανεπιστημίου του Νέου Δελχί. Ελληνισμός. Έκδοση της Αυτοδιοίκησης Ελλήνων Ουγγαρίας. Ιανουάριος-Φεβρουάριος: 36-40) Article, InterviewDownload 94
2018Culture and Classical Languages. (English, Greek, Hungarian, Book. New Delhi: Langers International) – Essays and InterviewsDownload_93

2018Courses offered (JNU, School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies):
Modern Greek. A Course in Modern Greek. Vocabulary compiled for the course book used, suggested by the Centre for Greek Language in Thessaloniki, Greece (pdf separately, under construction).
Classical Greek. A Course in Ancient Greek, offered at JNU, texts, vocabulary, grammar, exercises offered by the present writer (pdf separately, under construction).
Latin. A Course in the Classical Latin language, offered at JNU. Manuscript offered by the present writer (pdf separately, under construction)
Course Material JNU
2017Approaching classical languages: considerations on method (English, Paper, revised and updated. Indian Language Review 3,2: 22-3) Paper
2017Janisz Karitszasz: Magyarország, 1956 – a demokratikus függetlenségi háború /‘Janis I. Karitsas: Hungary 1956 – the democratic independence war’/. (Hungarian, Review of Γιάννης Η. Καρύτσας, ΟΥΓΓΑΡΙΑ 1956. Η δημοκρατική και αναξερτησιακή εξέγερση. Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Άρδην 2017). Interim title: “Szélsőbaloldaliság a XXI. században” /‘Extreme leftism in the 21st century’, p. 79/. Klió 26,4: 79-88. The book in question is dedicated to the Hungarian anti-Soviet revolt in 1956 published at the Athenian Ardin Publishing House. Karitsas justifies the aims of the revolt and criticizes leftist Greek opinions which, still today, think that this was a “counter-revolution”, an opinion abandoned long agoBook reviewDownload_92
2017Approaching classical languages: considerations on method (English, Paper, revised and updated. Indian Language Review 3,2: 22-3) Paper
2017The ancient mind on the nature of the universe through some linguistic observations (English, Paper. Indian Language Review. 3,1: 63-99)PaperDownload_90
2017Greece perches between culture and crisis (English, Article, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatist (Delhi, India). 5,12, December 2017: 40-41ArticleDownload_89
2017Courses offered (JNU, School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies): Modern Greek. A Course in Modern Greek. Vocabulary compiled for the course book used, suggested by the Centre for Greek Language in Thessaloniki, Greece (pdf separately, under construction).
Classical Greek. A Course in Ancient Greek, offered at JNU, texts, vocabulary, grammar, exercises offered by the present writer (pdf separately, under construction).
Latin. A Course in the Classical Latin language, offered at JNU. Manuscript offered by the present writer (pdf separately, under construction).
Course: Classical Latin language
2017Courses offered (JNU, School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies):
Modern Greek. A Course in Modern Greek. Vocabulary compiled for the course book used, suggested by the Centre for Greek Language in Thessaloniki, Greece (pdf separately, under construction).
Course: Classical Modern Greek
2016Rabindranath Tagore, még mindig Continatus /‘Rabindranath Tagore still Continuatus’/ (Hungarian, Account). Klió 2016/3: 84-89 (on p. 84 with the partial title “Nemzetközi konferencia: Tagore és conference: Tagore and nationalism, Shimla, 5-7 November, 2015’a nacionalizmus”, Shimla, 2015, november 5-7 /‘InternationalArticleDownload_88
2016Minority literature: Into a different insight. (English. Inaugural Address delivered at the International Conference on “Subaltern Studies and Minority Literature” held at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, South India, on the 30th March, 2016)Inaugural AddressDownload _87.1
Index & editorial

2016Weird imagination as explicated in the world literature. (English. A Keynote Address delivered at the Conference “Khushwant Singh’s Contribution to Journalism, History and literature”, sponsored by Sahitya Akademi, at Sri Ventakeshwara College, Peravurani, South India, on 29.3.2016) Keynote AddressDownload_86
2016Culture and Classical Languages (English, Lecture, delivered on 7.9.2016 at UGC-HRDC, Lecture Hall 2, JNU, New Delhi). (Published 2018)Lecture
2016Riot by the Polytechnic School in Athens (7th November 1973) (English, PPP at JNU, School of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies – 1, Committee Room. National Service Scheme (NSS). Seminar cum Workshop “Youth Power in Nation Building: Challenges and Response. 19th – 20th March 2016)PPPDownload_84

Download 84
2016Ταγόρ & Άγγελος Σικελιανός. Δύο Ποιητές – Ένα Όραμα /‘Rabindranath Tagore & Angelos Sikelianos: Two thinkers – One vision’/. Εν· Ραβινδρανάθ Ταγκόρ (90 χρόνια από την επίσκεψή του στην Ελλάδα) / (Greek, Paper. In: ‘Rabindranath Tagore (A Tribute to His Memory on the 90th Anniversary of His Visit to Greece’). Έκδοση, Εισαγωγή, Μετάφραση, Σχόλια Δημήτριος Θ. Βασιλειάδης / ‘Edited and Introduced by Dimitris Th. Vassiliades’. Αθήνα: ΕΛΙΝΕΠΑ / ‘Athens: ELINEPA Publications’/, pp. 55-60 Tribute: TagoreDownload_83
2016Comparative Philology (Indo-Graeco-Italica) (English, A Draft with ideas on a cooperation between India, Greece and Italy, a project submitted to and accepted by the Special Centre of Sanskrit Studies (SCSS) of JNUProject submissionDownload_82
2016Kannagi and Deianeira: contrast and comparison. (English, Paper. Yavanikā 15, 2013-2016: 41-48) PaperDownload_81
2016Formulaic language and other poetic devices in Greek and in related languages. (English, Paper. Indian Language Review 2,1: 1-8) PaperDownload_80
2016Courses offered (JNU, School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies):Modern Greek. A Course in Modern Greek. Vocabulary compiled for the course book used, suggested by the Centre for Greek Language in Thessaloniki, Greece (pdf separately, under construction)Course: Modern Greek
2016Courses offered (JNU, School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies):Classical Greek. A Course in Ancient Greek, offered at JNU, texts vocabulary, grammar, exercises offered by the present writer Greece (pdf separately, under construction)Course: Ancient Greek
2015Evaluation Report on the Thesis titled Rabindranath Tagore, the Pioneer Ecologist: A Study of his Poetical Works submitted […] by […] R. Vimala Evaluation ReportDownload_79
2015Rabindranath Tagore and Angelos Sikelianos: two universal thinkers. A comparative study [see 2013]. (English, Paper. In: Tagore the Eternal Seeker. Footprints of a World Traveller. Edited by Suryakanthi Tripathi, Radha Chakravarty, Associate Editor Nivedita Roy. Vij Books India Pvt Ltd – Indian Council of World Affairs, Sapru House, New Delhi, pp. 182-190)PaperDownload_78
2015Rabindranath Tagore and social sensitivity. (English, Paper read at the International Conference on Tagore and Nationalism, November 5-7, 2015, Indian Institute of Advanced Study [IIAS], Rashtrapati Nivas, Shimla [Himachal Pradesh]) (Revised and updated in print)Paper
2015Sanskrit and Greek: Two cultured languages. A Comparison. (English, Lecture given in the Special Centre of Sanskrit Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 20th August, 2015 (Published 2018)Lecture
2015Courses offered (JNU, School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies): book used, suggested by the Centre for Greek Language in Thessaloniki, Greece (pdf separately, under construction)Courses
2015Courses offered (JNU, School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies): Classical Greek. A Course in Ancient Greek, offered at JNU, texts, vocabulary, grammar, exercises offered by the present writer Greece (pdf separately, under construction)Courses
2015From July 2015, invited Visiting Professor at the Greek Chair of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, India.
Courses offered (School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies):
Modern Greek. A Course in Modern Greek. Vocabulary compiled for the course book used, suggested by the Centre for Greek Language in Thessaloniki, Greece (pdf separately, under construction).
Classical Greek. A Course in Ancient Greek, offered at JNU, texts, vocabulary, grammar, exercises offered by the present writer Greece (pdf separately, under construction).
2015Adjudicator’s Report of A. Aruna Devi’s Thesis Women as Doubly Dispossessed in the Writings of Toni Morrison and Bama: A Comparative Study (English, Report for P. Jeyappriya, Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal, South India)ReportDownload_77
2014Weakening and Strengthening in Greek. (English, Book. Athens: D.K. Stamoulis, Herodotus Publications. Series Philologica et Linguistica 1. Edenda curat Andreas L. Katonis) BookDownload_74
2014Ovid’s Ars. Am. I 135-162. Studying Humour – International Journal. Vol. 1 2014 (English, Paper, online publication) PaperDownload_76
2014Opposing Hegemony: Sophocles’ Antigone and Tagore’s Nati. Mediterranean Review [Busan, South-Korea] 7,2: 113-127) ArticleDownload_75
2014Weakening and Strengthening in Greek. (English, Book. Athens: D.K. Stamoulis, Herodotus Publications. Series Philologica et Linguistica 1. Edenda curat Andreas L. Katonis) BookDownload_91
2014Greek and Asian Mind on the Nature of Universe through Some Linguistic Observations. (English, Paper, read at the International Conference on Greek Studies: An Asian Perspective. 25th-28th February 2014, JNU, New Delhi [Published in 2017]Paper
2014“Letters have sounds” or the Phonology of the Greek Stoikheia (English, Book project) PaperDownload_73
2013Kannagi and Deianeira: Contrast and Comparison. (English, Paper. Yavanikā 15: 41-48) – [pdf (72, Abstract missing, see 2016)]PaperDownload_72
2013PhD Evaluation Report of C. Pushpavalli, “Effectiveness of communicative tasks in improving the communication skills of the college students in Andaman” (Ref. No. COE/PhD/2013/110). (English, Report for the Research Coordinator of Bharathiar University, Tamil Nadu. South India)Evaluation report (Phd)Download_71
2013PhD Evaluation Report of Debarati Das, “The Image of Women in the Novels of Manju Kapur” (English, Report for Bharathidasan University, Tamil Nadu, South India)Evaluation report (Phd)Download_70
2013PhD Evaluation Report of A . Muthuraj (Alagappa University, No. 1456) “An Investigation into the Teaching and Assessment of Creative Writing in English at Higher Secondary Level” (English, Report for M. Solayan, Alagappa University, Tamil Nadu, South India)Evaluation report (Phd)Download_69
2013PhD Evaluation Report of B. Kavitha “An Analysis of the Poetry of Langston Hughes: The Voice for the voiceless” (English, Report for M. Solayan, Alagappa University, Tamil Nadu, South India)Evaluation report (Phd)Download_68
2013PhD Evaluation Report of M. Natarajan, “The Pastness of the Past and its Presence in the Poetry of Nissim Ezekiel, A.K. Ramanujan and Kamala Das” (Rc. A5/Ph.D/0250/2013). (English, Report for Dr. S. Subbiah, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, South India) Evaluation report (Phd)Download_67
2013Rabindranath Tagore Continuatus (Hungarian, Report on the Alagappa and the Sapru House Conferences). Klió 2013/4: 51-61ReportDownload_65
2013Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore: Two Contributions to the Romain Rolland Memorial Volume. (English, Paper. Στήλη/Coloumn “Εκδόσεις Μελέτες/Publications – Research Papers” της/of ΕΛΙΝΕΠΑ/ELINEPA (“Ελληνοϊνδικής Εταιρείας Πολιτισμού & Ανάπτυξης”/“Indo-Hellenic Society for Culture and Development”PaperDownload_64

2013Rabindranath Tagore and Angelos Sikelianos: two universal thinkers. A comparative study. Paper read at the International Conference organized by the Indian Council of World Affairs on “Rabindranath Tagore – Envoy of India. His Vision of India and the World” on the 9th May 2013 at Sapru House, New Delhi, India. [Published 2015]Paper
2012Jansi Rani PhD Thesis Evaluation Report. Title: Toward a Radical Anthropology: An analysis of Walker Percy’s Nonfiction. Name of the candidate: S. . Jansi Rani (Ref. No. 3171). (English, Report for Dr. C. Isaac Jebastine, Research Supervisor [Department of English, Barathidasan University, Thiruchirapally, South India]) 2012Evaluation report (Phd)Download_63
2012Madhan PhD Thesis Evaluation Report. Title: The Evolution of Vikram Seth as a Novelist: A Thematic Study. Name of the Candidate: P. Madhan (Reg. No.: 1356). (English, Report for Manickam Solayan, Research Supervisor, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, South India)Evaluation report (Phd)Download_62
2012Rabindranath Tagore and Angelos Sikelianos: Two Thinkers – One Universe. (English, Paper, read at Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, South India, at the Alagappa International Symposium on Tagore – the Literary Genius and World Literature, 1st March, 2012PaperDownload_61
2012Ραβινδρανάθ Ταγκόρ & Άγγελος Σικελιανός. Δύο Ποιητές – Ένα Όραμα /‘Rabindranath Tagore & Angelos Sikelianos: Two thinkers – One vision’/. Εν· Ραβινδρανάθ Ταγκόρ (αφιέρωμα για τα 150 χρόνια από τη γέννησή του) / In: ‘Rabindranath Tagore (A Tribute to His Memory on the 150th Anniversary of His Birth’ [in Greek]). Εκδοτικό υλικό, Εισαγωγή, Μετάφραση, Σχόλια Δ.Θ. Βασιλειάδης / ‘Edited, Translated and Introduced by Dimitris Vassiliades’. Αθήνα: ΕΛΙΝΕΠΑ / ‘Athens: ELINEPA Publications’/, pp. 47-51TributeDownload_66

2012Ραβινδρανάθ Ταγκόρ & Άγγελος Σικελιανός. Δύο Ποιητές – Ένα Όραμα /‘Rabindranath Tagore & Angelos Sikelianos: Two thinkers – One vision’/Ραβινδρανάθ Ταγκόρ (αφιέρωμα για τα 150 χρόνια από τη γέννησή του) /‘Rabindranath Tagore (A Tribute to His Memory on the 150th Anniversary of His Birth’). Κυριακή 5 Φεβρ., 2012. (Greek, Paper read at Πολιτιστικό Κέντρο Φλοίσβος Παλαιού Φαλήρου /‘Sunday 5th February 2012, Flisvos Community Centre, Paleo Faliro, Athens’/), updatedTributeDownload_59
2012Ραβινδρανάθ Ταγκόρ & Άγγελος Σικελιανός. Δύο Ποιητές – Ένα Όραμα /‘Rabindranath Tagore & Angelos Sikelianos: Two thinkers – One vision’/. Εν· Ραβινδρανάθ Ταγκόρ (αφιέρωμα για τα 150 χρόνια από τη γέννησή του) / In: ‘Rabindranath Tagore (A Tribute to His Memory on the 150th Anniversary of His Birth’ [in Greek]). Εκδοτικό υλικό, Εισαγωγή, Μετάφραση, Σχόλια Δ.Θ. Βασιλειάδης / ‘Edited, Translated and Introduced by Dimitris Vassiliades’. Αθήνα: ΕΛΙΝΕΠΑ / ‘Athens: ELINEPA Publications’/, pp. 47-51TributeDownload_59
2012Opposing a strong will: Sophocles’ Antigone and Tagore’s Nati. (English, Paper, in: Rabindranath Tagore and Indian Literature. Eds. S. Subbiah, M. Solayan. Mandaiveli, Chennai: Universal Publishers [©Sri Venkateshwara College of Education, Peravurani, South India], 2012: 16-18)Paper
2012Ideas for a Higher International Administrative and Educational Establishment in Delphi (Greece), in addition to the cultural events called Delphic Games. A preliminary draftDraftDownload_57
2011“Αρχαιολατρεία και γλώσσα”. Παρατηρήσεις με αφορμή το βιβλίο του Μ.Α. Αργυρόπουλου (Αθήνα 2009). Βιβλιοκρισία. Online: ΠΕΡΙΓΛΩΣΣΙΟ. Βιβλιοκρισία (07.04.2014). (Greek, Critical remarks on the book of M.A. Argyropoulos (Μ.Α. Αργυρόπουλος), published online as ΠΕΡΙΓΛΩΣΣΙΟ. Βιβλιοκρισία (07.04.2014)Book review
2011Rabindranath Tagore and Angelos Sikelianos: Two Thinkers – One Universe. In: Rabindranath Tagore’s Contribution to Literature and Education. Eds.: S. Subbiah – M. Solayan. Karaidudi (South India), Nitheespraba Pathippaham, pp. 17-20Download_56
2011Kannagi and Deianeira: contrast and comparison. (Paper for the Memorial Volume of the Institute of Asian Studies [IAS] Silver Conference 2011, Chennai, South India)PaperDownload_55
2011Traces of early Indians in Greek tradition: The linguistic evidence. (English, Paper. An updated version of the paper read at the 20th International Conference of Historians of Asia, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi [14-17 November 2008]. Journal of Indian Ocean Archaeology 8: 1-22)PaperDownload_74
2011Ideas for a Higher International Administrative and Educational Establishment in Delphi (Greece), in addition to the cultural events called Delphic Games. A preliminary draft, unpublished.Draft
2011Οι Δελφικοί Αγώνες των Νεότερων Χρόνων. Ο παγκόσμιος Πολιτισμικός Διάλογος /‘Modern Delphic Games. Global Cultural Dialogue’/. Ιστότοπος / Website: Translation of the Manifesto of the International Delphic Council (IDC) under the leadership of Christian Kirsch, Berlin, Germany. Greek Flyer (IDC flyergreece)Translation of manifestoDownload_54
2011Portrayal of feminist protests against ferocious kings in Silappathikaram, Antigone and Natir Puja. (Paper, English, in: Rabindranath Tagore: Vision and Art. Ed. S. Subbiah, Saptarshi Mallick, M. Solayan. Pudukottai (Tamil Nadu, India): Meera Publishers, pp. 21-23)PaperDownload_52
2011Έργα μιας μεγάλης ψυχής στα ελληνικά /‘Works of a Great Soul in Greek’/. (Greek, Review of Οι αξίες του Μάχατμα Γκάντι μέσα από τα κείμενά του /‘Mahatma Gandhi’s Values as Seen through his Writings’/ by Δημήτριος Θ. Βασιλειάδης /‘Dimitrios Th. Vassiliades’/. Athens 2011. (Read at the preview at the Athens Municipality Cultural Centre (10.10.2011)Download_51
2011Achilleus II by Yannis Patsis (Presentation, Greek, read at the preview at the Theokharakis Foundation, Athens, on 4.4.2011. (Presentation of Y. Patsis’ play that was also staged in St. Petersburg, Russia)PresentationDownload_50
2011Ovid’s Ars. Am. I 135-162. (English, Paper, read at the 3rd International Congress on Humor, 28-28 May 2011, University of Thessalonik. An international congress with Greek and Italian participation, as an initiative by the Department of Italian Language and Philology of Thessaloniki University – III Congresso Internazionale sull’ Umorismo in una Prospettiva Inter-disciplinare: “Aspetti teorici e Applicazioni”, Salonicco 27 e 28 maggio 2011). The paper analyzes a passage from Ovid’s Ars amatoria (‘The Art of Love’) (Published online)PaperDownload_49
2011Three honours given to Hatzidakis by pre-war Hungary. (English, Paper. In: Languages and Cultures in Research and Education. Jubilee Volume Presented to Professor Ralf-Peter Ritter on His Seventieth Birthday. Ed. by L.K. Nagy – M. Németh – Sz. Tátrai. Chair for Hungarian Philology, Jagellonian University, Cracow, Poland. Cracow: Jagellonian University Press, pp. 121-132PaperDownload_52
2011Mediterrán konferencia Dél-Koreában /‘A Mediterranean Conference in South Korea’/. (Hungarian, Review, Klió 20, 2011(2): 36-40). Review of the International Conference 2010. The Interchange of Civilizations in the Mediterranean Area. April 29 – May 1, 2010. Organized by the Institute of Mediterranean Studies, Pusan University of Foreign Studies, Pusan, South-KoreaReviewDownload_46
2011Rabindranath Tagore and Angelos Sikelianos: two thinkers – one universe. (English, Paper. INDIKA Online. Online publications by ELINEPA Greek – Indian Society for Culture & Development) Paper
2011“Οι Αξίες του Μάχατμα Γκάντι”. Παρατηρήσεις στην Εισαγωγή του υπό έκδοση βιβλίου του Δημήτρη Βασιλειάδη (αδημοσίευτο χειρόγραφο, Δεκ. 2010, σσ. 6) / Critical Remarks to the monograph by D.Th. Vassiliades on Mahatma Gandhi. – Το βιβλίο δημοσιεύτηκε το 2011 από την ΕΛΙΝΕΠΑ, Αθήνα. Ευχαριστία του Σ., σ. 6 / The book was published by ELINEPA in Athens in 2011; Expression of gratitude by the Author, cf. p. 6.EvaluationDownload_51
2010Wolf-warriors, the Argonauts, and the foundation of Trebizond. The Mediterranean Review 3,2: 1-22 (English, Paper. Full version of a paper read on the 30th May 2010 in Pusan [South Korea] in the 1st International Congress on the Interchange of Cultures in the Mediterranean World. Institute of Mediterranean Studies [IMS] of Pusan University)PaperDownload_40
2010“Αποκλειστοποίηση των ηχηρών κλειστών /b d g/ της Ελληνικής. Διαχρονική φωνολογική προσέγγιση. Διδακτορική διατριβή. Πρώτο μέρος: Ανάλυση με Παράρτημα Ι. Δεύτερο μέρος: Παράρτημα ΙΙ: Σώμα Υλικού (Corpus). Αθήνα: Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμο Αθηνών. Φιλοσοφική Σχολή – Σαριπόλειο Ίδρυμα (Βιβλιοθήκη Σοφίας Ν. Σαριπόλου 116) /‘Opening of the Voiced Stops /b d g/ of Greek. A Diachronic Phonological Approach. Part I: Analysis, Part II: Corpus. Athens: University of Athens – Saripolio Foundation 2010’/. (Publication of a Doctoral thesis defended at the University of Athens; cf. 2001)”Doctoral thesis / Διδακτορική διατριβή
PhD Dissertation
Part 1

Part 2
2010A pontoszi genocídium (befejező rész). /‘Η γενοκτονία των Ελλήνων του Πόντου. 3ο μέρος’/. Βιβλιοκρισία στο Κ. Φωτιάδης, Η Γενοκτονία των Ελλήνων του Πόντου. Αθήνα: Ίδρυμα της Βουλής των Ελλήνων για τον Κοινοβουλευτισμό και για τη Δημοκρατία, 2004. /‘K. Fotiadis: The Pontic genocide’/. Athens: The Greek Parliament Foundation 2004) (Review, Hungarian, III. in: Klió 18, 2010[1]: 48-64). Book review (3rd part), analyzing the tragedy of the Pontic Greeks ending in their complete extinction by the Turks, together with every other Christian population on the territory of the actual Turkey, by 1922ReviewDownload_27 rész 3
2010A Discussant’s presentation of Kyriaki Frantzi (Macquarie University, Australia): Dimitris Dimitriadis – Michael Marmarinos, Dying as a Country. Critical remarks on Kryriaki Frantzi’s presentation of a theatrical play. (English, A critical presentation. Discussant having been invited by IMS, Pusan, South Korea, 1st International Congress on the Interchange of Cultures in the Mediterranean World. Institute of Mediterranean Studies [IMS] of Pusan University, 30th May 2010 in Pusan, South Korea)ReviewDownload_49

2010_42_Kyriaki Frantzi_Critique
2010Γ.Κ. Γιαννάκης, Οι Ινδοευρωπαίοι. Μέρος Α: Γλώσσα και πολιτισμός. Αθήνα: Ινστιτούτο του Βιβλίου – Α. Καρδαμίτσα, 2005. ΙΝΔΙΚΑ Online. Online publications by ELINEPA (Greek – Indian Society for Culture & Development – (Greek, A critical book review of G.K. Giannakis, The Indo-Europeans. Part A’ Language & Culture (in Greek. Athens: Kardamitsa 2005). INDIKA Online. Column Book Reviews. (Online publications by ELINEPA, Greek Indian Society for Culture & Development). http://www.elinepa.orgReviewDownload_41
2010Formulaic language and other poetic devices in Greek and in related languages. (Greek, Manuscript; for the published version see Indian Language Review 2,1, 2016: 1-8)
2010The 7th Indo-European Dahlem Summer School (2010). INDIKA Online. Online publications by ELINEPA (Greek – Indian Society for Culture & Development) – [pdf (44)]Download_44
2010Γεώργιος Ν. Χατζιδάκις: Η Ουγγαρία τιμά τον Επιστήμονα και την Πατρίδα του. Power Point Presentation στην Ακαδημία Αθηνών κατά την Διημερίδα της Ελληνικής Ονοματολογικής Εταιρείας, 11-12 Νοεμβρίου, 2010, αφιερωμένη στη Μνήμη του Γεωργίου Ν. Χατζιδάκι (1848-1941). Πρόεδρος Οργανωτικής Επιτροπής: Χ.Θ. Οικονομόπουλος. /‘Georgios N. Hatzidakis: Hungary’s esteem for the scientist and his country. A Power Point presentation at the Academy of Athens on the Occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the Greek Onomatological Society (11.11.2010). A Meeting dedicated to the Memory of G.N. Hatzidakis (1848-1941)‘/. /’Chairman of the Organizational Committee H.Th. Ikonomopoulos’/ (Greek)PPPDownload_38
2010The Aristotelian tragic vision in Ilango and Sophocles. (English, Paper, read at the World Classical Tamil Conference, June 23-27, 2010, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India)PaperDownload_35
2010A Discussant’s presentation of Kyriaki Frantzi (Macquarie University, Australia): Dimitris Dimitriadis – Michael Marmarinos, Dying as a Country. Critical remarks on Kryriaki Frantzi’s presentation of a theatrical play. (English, A critical presentation. Discussant having been invited by IMS, Pusan, South Korea, 1st International Congress on the Interchange of Cultures in the Mediterranean World. Institute of Mediterranean Studies [IMS] of Pusan University, 30th May 2010 in Pusan, South Korea) Critical PresentationDownload_42 Discussant’s presentation
2010Greece and Greek, India and Indian within one another. (English, Paper, read at the International Seminar “Greece beyond Greece”. Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, April 2010. Convenor: U.P. Arora (Published 2018)Paper
2009Γεώργιος Ν. Χατζιδάκις: Η Ουγγαρία τιμά τον επιστήμονα και την πατρίδα του /‘G.N. Hatzidakis: Hungary’s esteem for the scientist and for his country’/. (Greek, Book. Ed. by G. Németh. Budapest – Debrecen: Hungarian Polis Studies (HPS) 17)Book
2009The contribution of Strength Phonology to the Greek Language. (English, Paper, read at the 9th International Conference for Greek Linguistics (29 Oct. – 1 Nov. 2009 at Chicago University, publishedPaperLink?
2009A pontoszi genocídium. II. rész /‘Η γενοκτονία των Ελλήνων του Πόντου. 2ο μέρος’/. Βιβλιοκρισία στο Κ. Φωτιάδης, Η Γενοκτονία των Ελλήνων του Πόντου. Αθήνα: Ίδρυμα της Βουλής των Ελλήνων για τον Κοινοβουλευτισμό και για τη Δημοκρατία, 2004. Κlió 18, 2009/1: 123-137. /‘K. Fotiadis: The Pontic genocide’/. Athens: The Greek Parliament Foundation 2004) (Review, Hungarian II. in: Klió 18, 2009[1]: 55-63). Book review (2nd part), analyzing the tragedy of the Pontic Greeks ending in their complete extinction by the Turks, together with every other Christian population on the territory of the actual Turkey, by 1922ReviewDownload_27 rész 2
2009Történészkongresszus Delhiben /‘Historians’ Congress in Delhi’/. (Hungarian, Review of the 20th Congress of the International Association of Historians of Asia [IAHA], held on 14-17 November 2008 at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. In: Klió 18, 2009/3: 21-28)ReviewDownload_33
2009English mix will affect uniqueness of Tamil (English, Interview – The Hindu Dec. 5, 2009, p. 3)InterviewDownload_32
2009Keynote topics in Greek and Indian Literature. Address read on the 2nd December, 2009 at the International Conference on Education, Culture and Literature of Greece and India. Sri Venkateshwara College of Education, Peravurani, Tamil Nadu, South IndiaKeynoteDownload_31
2009Ιδέες για την διδασκαλία Αρχαίων Ελληνικών και Λατινικών, και γενικότερα, κλασικών θεμάτων /‘Ideas on teaching Greek, Latin, and Classics’/. (Υπόμνημα προς το Atelier Spyros Vassiliou /‘A Reminder to the Atelier Spyros Vassiliou’/. Για δημοσίευση βλ. 2018 / (Greek, Α Reminder. Published 2018).Ideas, teaching Greek
2009Emerging trends in teaching Greek language and literature. Paper read at the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Teaching Language & Literature [INCOETTLL – 09], 4th December, 2009, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, South IndiaPpaerDownload_22
2009Contributions to M.B. Sakellariou’s Ethnè grecs à l’ Age du bronze I-II. Paris: De Boccard – Athènes: KERA, 2009, passim, cf. I, p. 29. /‘Bronze Age Greek Populations I-II by M.B. Sakellariou’/. (French and Greek, Paris: De Boccard – Athens: KERA, 2009)’/.
Published: (Katerina Chatzopoulou – Alexandra Ioannidou – Suwon Yoon (eds), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Greek Linguistics. 29-31 October 2009. University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 14-24.)
2009The contribution of Strength Phonology to the Greek Language. Paper read at the 9th International Conference for Greek Linguistics (29 Oct. – 1 Nov. 2009) at Chicago University. In: Katerina Chatzopoulou – Alexandra Ioannidou – Suwon Yoon (eds), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Greek Linguistics. 29-31 October 2009. University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 14-24.PaperDownload_36
2009YAVANIKA – το παράθυρο του ελληνορωμαϊκού κόσμου. (Κριτική παρουσίαση των τεσσάρων πρώτων τόμων [1991-1994] του περιοδικού της Indian Society for Greek and Roman Studies, Bareilly – New Delhi). /‘YAVANIKĀ – the “Window” to the Graeco-Roman World’/ – Greek. Review of the first four volumes of the periodical of the Indian Society for Greek and Roman Studies, Bareilly – New Delhi. ΙΝΔΙΚΑ. Ελληνο-Ινδική Εταιρεία Πολιτισμού και Ανάπτυξης. Αθήνα 2009 /‘INDIKA Online. Research Column of the Graeco-Indian Society ELINEPA’/ReviewDownload_28

2008A pontoszi genocídium. I. rész /‘Η γενοκτονία των Ελλήνων του Πόντου. 1ο μέρος’/. Βιβλιοκρισία στο Κ. Φωτιάδης, Η Γενοκτονία των Ελλήνων του Πόντου. Αθήνα: Ίδρυμα της Βουλής των Ελλήνων για τον Κοινοβουλευτισμό και για τη Δημοκρατία, 2004. Κlió 16, 2008/4: 123-137. /‘K. Fotiadis: The Pontic genocide’/. Athens: The Greek Parliament Foundation 2004) (Review, Hungarian I. in: Klió 16, 2008[4]: 123-137). Book review (1st part), analyzing the tragedy of the Pontic Greeks ending in their complete extinction by the Turks, together with every other Christian population on the territory of the actual Turkey, by 1922ReviewDownload_27 rész 1
2008Επανασύνθεση και ποίηση: εφαρμογή μεθόδων λογικής και φυσικής στην γλωσσολογική-φωνολογική ανάλυση λογοτεχνικών κειμένων. Επιστήμη και Τέχνη: Κοινή Πορεία προς το Ωραίο και την Αλήθεια; 2ο Διεθνές Διεπιστημονικό Συνέδριο της Ένωσης των Ελλήνων Φυσικών (ΕΕΦ/EEF). Περιλήψεις Συνεδρίου. Επιμέλεια Δήμητρα Λελίγκου. Αθήνα, Τεχνόπολις Δήμου Αθηναίων, 19 Ιαν. 2008: 1-9 + 47-48 /‘Reconstruction and poetry: applying methods of logic and physics during the linguistic analysis of poetic texts’/. (English, Paper read at the 2nd International Congress of the Greek Physicists’ Association (EEF), Athens, 16-19 January 2008: 1-9 + 47-48)PaperDownload_26
2008The Greek language through the centuries. Lecture given at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, School of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies, New Delhi, on 19th November 2008.
2008Indo-Graeco-Italica. Ideas on an international cooperation project in Classics, Linguistics, History, Archaeology, and related topics based in India. (English, Article. Journal of Indian Ocean Archaeology 5: 122-126)Project ideasDownload_25
2008Traces of early Indians in Greek tradition: The linguistic evidence. Read at the 20th International Conference of Historians of Asia, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi (14-17 November 2008). (English, Paper. Published in the Congress Material, CD)Paper
2007Ποιοι ήταν οι Ινδοευρωπαίοι; Παρουσίαση PPP. Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο, Θεσσαλονίκη (Νοέμβριος 2007) /‘Who were the Indo-Εuropeans?’/. (Greek, Power Point Presentation at the Greek Open University, Thessaloniki, Nov. 2007)Presentation, PPPDownload_23

Download 24
2007“Η μαύρη σιωπή”, “Ο βάτραχος”, “Η ανταμοιβή”. Μετάφραση τριών διηγημάτων του Γκέζα Τσατ (1887-1919). Μανδραγόρας 36, Ιούνιος 2007: 36-39. (Τα πρωτότυπα δημοσιεύθηκαν στο: Csáth Géza, Mesék amelyek rosszul végződnek. Összegyűjtött novellák. Budapest, Magvető, 1994: 9-12, 47-50, 322-325 – ‘The Black Silence’, ‘The Frog’, ‘The Reward’. (Greek, Translation of three short stories by Géza Csáth, physician, writer and artist at the end of the Central European Belle Époque. First published in: Mesék amelyek rosszul végződnek. Összegyűjtött novellák /‘Tales Having a Bad End. Collected Short Stories’/. Budapest, Magvető, 1994: 9-12, 47-50, 322-325Translation, short storiesDownload_22
2007Σύγκριση δύο λέξεων: deli – ντελής, deli levente – ντελή λεβέντης /‘Comparison of two words: Hungarian deli – Greek ντελής, with the two connected attributive combinations deli levente – ντελή λεβέντης’/. Επετηρίδα του Τμήματος Ιταλικής Γλώσσας και Φιλολογίας της Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής του Α.Π.Θ. Yearbook of the Department of the Italian Language and Philology (Greek, Paper. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece’/ 2, 2004-2005 [2007]: 101-104)Download_20
2007Επαφές ινδοευρωπαϊκών (ΙΕ) – μη ινδοευρωπαϊκών (ΜΙΕ) γλωσσών. In Memoriam J. Harmatta. Επετηρίδα του Τμήματος Ιταλικής Γλώσσας και Φιλολογίας της Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής του Α.Π.Θ. 2, 2004-2005 [2007]: 91-100 /‘Contacts between Indo-European and non-Indo-European languages’/. Yearbook of the Department of the Italian Language and Philology (Greek, Paper. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 2, 2007: 91-100)Download_19
2007Σπάνιο φαινόμενο των ρηματικών συστημάτων: το πρόβλημα της αόριστης-οριστικής συζυγίας /‘A rare verbal behaviour: subjective and objective conjugation’/. Επετηρίδα του Τμήματος Ιταλικής Γλώσσας και Φιλολογίας της Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής του Α.Π.Θ. Yearbook of the Department of the Italian Language and Philology. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece 2, 2004-2005 [2007]: 83-90)Download_18
2007Kelta farkaskodás. A Critique του Wolfsbessenheit, Nacktheit, Einäugigkeit und andere Aspekte des altkeltischen Männerbundes by Kim McCone, in: R.P. Das – G. Meiser (Hrsg), Geregeltes Ungestüm. Bruderschaften und Jugendbünde bei indogermanischen Völkern. Bremen, Hempen Verlag, 2002: 43-67 – (Celtic Wolfing. Critical review of Wolfsbessenheit, Nacktheit, Einäugigkeit und andere Aspekte des altkeltischen Männerbundes by Kim McCone, [In: R.P. Das – G. Meiser (Hrsg.), Geregeltes Ungestüm. Bruderschaften und Jugendbünde bei indogermanischen Völkern. Bremen, Hempen Verlag, 2002: 43-67]. (Hungarian, Review I. in: Klió 16, 2007[2]: 74-84, II. In: Klió 16, 2007[3]: 58-70). Review of McCone’s position, based on his paper published in the Ungestüm-volume (above) as well as his other writings to which he refers, concerning military and ideological aspects of the early Indo-European society. For the Indo-European expansion a respective religious-military ideology is hypothesized according to which the “wolves” (=elite warriors) played a paramount role. “Wolves” and other “animals” were an integral part of the early Indo-European societyReviewDownload 21.I
I. rész

II. rész
2007Indoeurópaiak (II. rész) /‘Οι Ινδοευρωπαίοι. 2ο μέρος’/. Βιβλιοκρισία στο Γ.Κ. Γιαννάκης, Οι Ινδοευρωπαίοι. Μέρος Α: Γλώσσα και πολιτισμός. Αθήνα: Ινστιτούτο του Βιβλίου – Α. Καρδαμίτσα 2005. Ι: Klió 15, 2006/3: 84-97. /‘G.K. Giannakis, The Indo-Europeans. 1st Part: Language and Culture. Athens: Kardamitsa 2005) (Hungarian, Review. II: Klió 16, 2007[1]: 49-58)ReviewDownload_17.1
I. rész.
2006Indoeurópaiak (I. rész) /‘Οι Ινδοευρωπαίοι. 1ο μέρος’/. Βιβλιοκρισία στο Γ.Κ. Γιαννάκης, Οι Ινδοευρωπαίοι. Μέρος Α: Γλώσσα και πολιτισμός. Αθήνα: Ινστιτούτο του Βιβλίου – Α. Καρδαμίτσα 2005. Ι: Klió 15, 2006/3: 84-97. /‘G.K. Giannakis, The Indo-Europeans. 1st Part: Language and Culture. Athens: Kardamitsa 2005’/ (Hungarian, Review. I: Klió 15, 2006[3]: 84-97)ReviewDownload_17.2
II. rész.
2006Approaching Classical Languages: Considerations on Method. INDIKA Online 2006, Column “Research” (Paper, Greek. Online publications by ELINEPA, Greek Indian Society for Culture & Development)PaperDownload_16

2006Sofia Voutsaki: Archaeology and the Construction of the Past in Nineteen Century Greece (In: Hero Hokwerda [ed.], Constructions of Greek Past. Identity and Historical Consciousness from Antiquity to the Present. Groningen: Egbert Forsten 2003: 231-255). (Hungarian, Review, Klió 15, 2006[1]: 21-41)ReviewDownload_15
2006‘Οικολογία’ – μια γλωσσολογική προσέγγιση. Γλωσσολογία 17: 157-168 /‘ “Ecology” – A linguistic approach’/ (Greek, Paper, Glossologia 17: 157-168)Download_14
2005Ιστορία του Ελληνικού Έθνους 1-16 (Επιμέλεια: Γ. Χριστόπουλος – Ι. Μπαστιάς κ.ά. Αθήνα: Εκδοτική Αθηνών 1970-2000) “A görög nemzet története I-II” – (Hungarian, Review of the History of the Greek Nation vols. 1-16 (1970-2000) (Ed. by G. Christopoulos – I. Bastias et al. Athens: Ekdotiki Athenon) I: Klió 14, 2005(1): 3-11; II: Klió 14, 2005(2): 20-36ReviewDownload_13
2004A Szmirnai (Izmiri) Evangélikus Iskola /‘The Evangelical School of Smyrna’/. (Hungarian, Review of Σπ.Γ. Κρουσταλάκης /Sp.G. Kroutalakis/, Η Ευαγγελική Σχολή της Σμύρνης. Επτάκυκλος/Eptakyklos, Αθήνα/Athens, 14, 2000: 91-96’/. Klió 13, 2004(3): 112-114 SzmirnaiDownload_12
2004Επίτομο λεξικό της Ουγγρικής. Βιβλιοκρισία στο Ομάδα Καθηγητών Ουγγρικής Γλώσσας (Γενική επιμέλεια: Μάγκυ Σταγάκη): Ούγγρο-ελληνικό και Έλληνο-ουγγρικό λεξικό – Magyar-görög és Görög-magyar szótár. Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Καλοκάθη – Athens: Kalokathi Publications 2003 (Greek, Review, unpublished)Επίτομο λεξικό
2003Ούγγροι γλωσσολόγοι και φιλόλογοι (Σημειώσεις). Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, Σπουδαστήριο Γλωσσολογίας – Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων, Σπουδαστήριο Γλωσσολογίας /‘Hungarian Linguists and Philologists’/ (Lecture Notes, Greek. University of Athens, Reading Room of the Department of Linguistics – Yanina University, Reading Room of the Department of Linguistics).Lecture notes
2002Η λατινική γλώσσα στην Ουγγαρία – The Latin Language in Hungary (Σημειώσεις / Lecture Notes). ΕΚΠΑ, Σπουδαστήριο Γλωσσολογίας /‘University of Athens, Department of Linguistics’/. Μελέτη που χρησιμοποιήθηκε ως κεφάλαιο στο βιβλίο για τον Γ.Ν. Χατζιδάκι / Paper incorporated into the monograph on G.N. Hatzidakis (βλ./see 2019)Lecture notes
2002Ελληνική γλώσσα και Φωνολογία Σχετικής Ισχύος (ΦΣΙ) /‘Greek Language and Strength Phonology (StPh)’/(Greek, Paper. In: Μελέτες για την Ελληνική Γλώσσα / Studies in Greek Linguistics. Πρακτικά της 22ης Ετήσιας Συνάντησης του Τομέα Γλωσσολογίας του Τμήματος Φιλολογίας της Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης, 27-29 Απριλίου 2001 / Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics. Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 27-29 April 2001. Θεσσαλονίκη / Thessaloniki, pp. 311-321)Doctoral thesisDownload_98
2001Αποκλειστοποίση των ηχηρών κλειστών /b d g/ της Ελληνικής. Διαχρονική φωνολογική προσέγγιση. Διδακτορική διατριβή. Υπόμνημα. Αθήνα, Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, Τομέας Γλωσσολογίας, 2001 (βλ. 2010). /‘Opening of the Voiced Stops /b d g/ of Greek’/ (English, Outline of Doctoral thesis; Athens, University of Athens, Department of Linguistics, 2001; see 2010) Download_10
2001Φωνολογική απισχυροποίηση (weakening) και ισχυροποίηση (strengthening) στην Ελληνική. Διαχρονική προσέγγιση /‘Phonological weakening and strengthening in Greek. A diachronic approach’/ (Greek, Paper. In: Ελληνική Γλωσσολογία ‘99 / Greek Linguistics ‘99. Πρακτικά 4ου Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου Ελληνικής Γλωσσολογίας. Λευκωσία, 19-19 Σεπτεμβρίου 1999 / Οργάνωση Συνεδρίου και επιμέλεια Πρακτικών Γ. Αγγουράκη κ.ά. / Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Greek Linguistics. Nicosia, Cyprus, September 17-19, 1999. Conference Organisation and Editing of the Proceedings by Y. Aguraki et al. Θεσσαλονίκη / Thessaloniki: University Studio Press, pp. 374-380)PaperDownload_09
2000Τρεις διακρίσεις του Χατζιδάκι στην Ουγγαρία /‘Three Hungarian distinctions for G.N. Hatzidakis’/PaperDownload_06
2000Proto-Greeks and the Kurgan Theory. The Journal of Indo-European Studies 28,2, 2000: 65-100. Review articleDownload_06
2000Ινδοευρωπαίοι: δυναμικό σύστημα αντί για πρωτοπατρίδα /‘Indo-Europeans: a dynamic archaeological pattern proposed instead of a traditional “homeland”’/. Βιβλιοκρισία/Book Review. Γλωσσολογία/Glossologia 11-12, 2000: 329-353. Review of J. Makkay’s 1991 book on the Indo-European homeland suggesting a dynamic homeland model for Western Europe, based mainly on archaeological data.Book reviewDownload_07
1999Πρώιμα δείγματα αποκλειστοποίησης των ηχηρών κλειστών της Ελληνικής /‘Early examples of opening of the voiced stops of Greek’/ (Paper, Greek. In: Ελληνική Γλωσσολογία ’97 / Greek Linguistics ’97. Εν·/In: Ελληνική Γλωσσολογία ’97 / Πρακτικά του Γ’ Διεθνούς Γλωσσολογικού Συνεδρίου για την Ελληνική Γλώσσα, Αθήνα 25-27 Σεπτεμβρίου 1997 / Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Greek Linguistics, Athens 25-27 September 1997. Αθήνα: Ελληνικά Γράμματα 1999: 472-481. Πρόεδρος: Γ. Μπαμπινιώτης, Επιμέλεια: Αμαλία Μόζερ / Chairman: G. Babiniotis, Ed. Amalia Mozer, Athens: Ellinika Grammata, pp. 472-481) PaperDownload_05
1998“Παρνασσός: Οκτώ ημέρες κοντά στις μούσες. Δοκίμιο – Parnassus: Eight Days with the Muses. (Greek, Essay. In: ΡαδιοΤηλεοπτική Αξιολόξηση /‘Radio-Television Evaluation’/ Έτος 3ο, Φύλλο 8, Ιούλιος-Οκτώβριος /‘3,8, July-October’/ (Athens) Essay
1997Ουγγροελληνικό Λεξιλόγιο (Χειρόγραφο).
Αθήνα: Διδασκαλείο Ξένων Γλωσσών του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών – Hungarian-Greek Vocabulary (Manuscript). Athens: Foreign Languages School of the University of Athens.
1996Hellenica Oxyrhynchia – see 1988
1994Görögország – /‘Greece’/. (Hungarian, Article in: Az Idegenvezető /‘The Guide’/ Budapest, 1994, Szeptember/September, pp. 23-24).Tourist article
1993Géza Csáth: Η μητέρα Ειρήνη. Μετάφραση (χειρόγραφο) – Greek, Translation of “Irén mama” /‘Mummy Irene’/, a short story by Géza Csáth (1887-1919). (Manuscript)Short story
1993predikátum (praedicatum, ῥῆμα ‘predicate’), VIL 11: 31

preparáció (praeparatio, προπαρασκευή ‘preliminary exposé [of the main points in an argument]’), VIL 11: 37-39

proverbium (παροιμία, παροίμιον ‘proverbium’, ‘proverb’, ‘maxim’) VIL 11: 156-157

quidproquo (‘quid pro quo’, ‘something for something’) VIL 11: 289

responsorium, responzórium (ἀντίφωνα ’responsory’, ‘antiphon’), VIL 11: 616

retrakció (retractio, ἀναστροφή, βαρυτόνησις ‘retraction’; ‘anastrophe [referring to accent: throwing back of the accent]’, ‘barytonesis’) VIL 11: 638

rhéma, réma (ῥῆμα ‘verb’; ‘rheme’, ‘comment’) VIL 11: 671

rhészisz (ῥῆσις ‘saying’, ‘speech [in a play]’) VIL 11: 672-673
Encyclopedia article/contribution
VIL = Világirodalmi Lexikon
(VIL-articles – “VIL = Világirodalmi Lexikon” )
1993“Görögország (Az új Zenepalota – Greece, Megaro Musikis, The new concert-hall). Bulletin 5, 1993, január/January: 19” – missing. Tourist article
1992L. Agostiniani e L. Giannelli (cura) Fonologia etrusca, fonetica toscana. Il problema del sostrato. Atti della Giornata di Studi organizzata dal Gruppo Colligiano di Val d’ Elsa, 4 aprile 1982. Firenze, Leo S. Olschi 1983. (Hungarian, Review article. Antik Tanulmányok 36: 113-116).Review article
1991“Görögország. Az új Akropolisz-múzeum /‘Greece. The New Acropolis-Museum’/. (Hungarian, Report. Bulletin 1991, augusztus/August: 20-21” Tourist articleDownload_28
1989Θησέας. Μια ιστορία για μικρούς και μεγάλους /‘Theseus. A Story for Children and Grown-up’/. (Greek, Translation of G. Németh’s story Mesék Thészeuszól. Budapest: Móra, 1984. (Translation together with Elisavet Karanikola-Katona). (Manuscript)TranslationDownload_11
1988Hellenica Oxyrhynchia /Ἑλληνικὰ Ὀξυρρύγχια/. Antik Tanulmányok 33 [1987-1988]: 291-309 [=Görög Történelem. Szöveggyűjtemény. Szerkesztette Németh György /‘Greek History. An Anthology. Edited by G. Németh’/. Budapest: Osiris Kiadó /‘Budapest: Osiris Publications’/, 1996: 209-221]. (Hungarian, Translation, together with G. Németh. Introduction: G. Németh)TranslationDownload_08
1986Hungarian Encyclopedia article/contribution
VIL = Világirodalmi Lexikon
World Literature Lexicon, published at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences by Akadémiai Kiadó Publications, 18 vols, 1970-1996

paradiégészisz, paradiégéma (παραδιήγησις, ‘incidental narrative’) VIL 10: 130

paradigma (παράδειγμα, exemplum ‘example’, ‘paradigm’) VIL 10: 130-131

paradoxon (παράδοξον, admirabile/turpe genus, ‘paradox’) VIL 10: 131-132

parafrázis (παράφρασις ‘paraphrase’) VIL 10: 141-142

paragógé (παραγωγή, derivatio ‘derivation’) VIL 10: 142-143
Encyclopedia article/contribution
1986Th. Kosztakisz: A bolond (műfordítás). In: Égtájak /‘Σημεία του Ορίζοντος’/ – Th. Kostakis, The Fool (Hungarian, Translation of a Short Story. In: Égtájak /‘Climes’/. Budapest: Európa, pp. 259-270TranslationDownload_03
1986Alexandrosz Papadiamandisz, A gyilkos asszony. Bukarest: Kriterion. – Αλέξανδρος Παπαδιαμάντης, Ἡ φόνισσα. Ἀθήνα: IBC Hellas – Papyros Press. – /‘Alexandros Papadiamandis, The Murderess’/. Hungarian, Novel. Bucharest: Criterion. Rumanian publication of the 1982 original).Novel
1985A bolond gránátalmafa. Újgörög költők antológiája. Válogatta és szerkesztette, az utószót írta és a jegyzeteket készítette Papp Árpád – Η τρελλή Ροδιά. Ανθολογία Νεοελλήνων ποιητών. Επιλογές, Επιμέλεια, Επίλογος και Σημειώσεις: Árpád Papp /‘The Mad Pomegranate-tree. An Anthology of Modern Greek Poets. Selections, Editing and Postscript by Á. Papp’/. (Hungarian, Prose Translations of A. Christopoulos, A. Kalvos, D. Solomos, G. Drossinis, K. Palamas, K. Chatzopoulos, M. Malakassis, G. Griparis, Myrtiotissa [Theoni Drakopoulou], K. Ouranis, K. Kariotakis, T. Papatsonis, M. Stasinopulos, Rita Bumi-Pappa, Melissanthi [Ivi Kugia-Skandalaki]). Budapest: Móra PublicationsTranslation Anthology
1984Encyclopedia articles/contributions
VIL = Világirodalmi Lexikon
World Literature Lexicon, published at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences by Akadémiai Kiadó Publications, 18 vols, 1970-1996

nyelvi erény (virtus elocutionis, ἀρετὴ τῆς λέξεως ‘excellence of word/speech’). VIL 9: 473-474.

nyelvi vétség (vitium elocutionis, κακία τῆς λέξεως ‘badness of word/speech’). VIL 9: 475-477.

oratio soluta (διαλελυμένη λέξις ‘unbound speech’). VIL 9: 682.

összekapcsolás (egybefonódás, conexio, συμπλοκή ‘interweaving [of styles]’. VIL 9: 778-779
Encyclopedia article/contribution
1984M. Pallottino: Az etruszkok. Budapest 1980 – M. Pallottino, The Etruscans. (Hungarian, Review article. Antik Tanulmányok 31: 156-163)Review article
1983Akadémiai Nagylexikon (AKN) – /‘Grand Encyclopedia of the Academy’. Budapest/ (Hungarian, Encyclopedia articles. – Between 1981-1983 written about 60 articles, small to big, for the Encyclopedia project. For political reasons, the project was moving forward with difficulties. After the changeover in 1989, the Encyclopedia was published on new grounds as Magyar Nagylexikon /‘Hungarian Encyclopedia’, between 1993-2004 in 19 volumes). The contributions comprise (a) great persons and concepts of Antiquity (e.g. Aristotle, Plato, Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, Stoics, Pythagoreans, aegis, agon, agora, etc.), (b) scholars engaged in classical philology (e.g. Guillaume Budé, Richard Bentley, Ábel Jenő, etc.), (c) religious leaders (e.g. Berki Feriz), and (d) philosophers and philosophical concepts (e.g. Karl Marx, axiom, argumentum ad hominem, identity etc.). Not checked what and how was used in the final edition. Part of the articles exist as personal property in copiesEncyclopedia articles/contributionsLink
1983Kapitánffy István – Caruha Vangelió” etc. not mentioned
1982Γράμματα που δεν έφτασαν στον προορισμό τους /‘Letters which have not reached their destination’/. (Greek, Article, written together with Elisavet Katona. Βέροια/Veria 15-22-29 Οκτωβρίου 1982) – Study of unarchived personal letters form 1912, written by Greeks living in Pest and in other parts of Hungary, found in a trunk in the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin (Εκκλησία της Κοιμήσεως της Θεοτόκου, Budapest, 5th District), that could not be delivered to Greece owing to the continental blockade imposed by Napoleon. By favour of late Edmund Füves, now in the possession of this writer ArticleDownload_04
1982Alexandrosz Papadiamandisz, A gyilkos asszony. Regény. Fordította Katona László. Budapest: Európa könyvkiadó. A fordítás az alábbi kiadás alapján készült: Αλέξανδρος Παπαδιαμάντης, Ἡ φόνισσα. Ἀθήνα: IBC Hellas – Papyros Press. /‘Alexandros Papadiamandis, The Murderess, novel. Hungarian translation from Greek: L. Katona. Budapest: Európa Publications, 1982’/Translation NovelDownload_02
1981Ἐπικαιρότητα καὶ ἀξίες τοῦ Παπαδιαμάντη. (Ἡ οὐγγρικὴ μετάφραση τοῦ ἔργου «Ἡ φόνισσα». Δοκίμιο) /‘Timeliness and values of Papadiamandis’/. Greek (Essay. Σκιάθος 20: 2-12 – Skiathos 20: 2-12) EssayDownload_01
1980Βεροιώτης ὁ πρωτεργάτης ἀνεγέρσεως τοῦ Ὀρθοδόξου Ναοῦ τῆς Βουδαπέστης /‘Pioneer of the erection of the Orthodox Church in Budapest is a citizen from Veria’/. Ἐφημερίδα Βέροια 10 Μαΐου 1980, ἀρ. φύλλου 387 /‘Newspaper Veria, 10th May 1980, No. 387’/ (Greek, Article, together with Elisavet Katona. – Στον Ορθόδοξο Ναό της Κοιμήσεως της Θεοτόκου της Βουδαπέστης εντοιχισμένη πλάκα στο υπερώο αναφέρει τον Νικόλαο Βικέλα (παππού του Δημητρίου Βικέλα “ἐκ Βεροίας” ως τον πρωτεργάτη της ανέγερσης στα τέλη του 18ου αι. Από σοβιετική επίβλεψη, ο ναός πέρασε ως κληρονομιά στην Ρωσική Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία, έχει πάρει πραβοσλαβικό (ρωσικό ορθόδοξο) χαρακτήρα, και στις μέρες μας αποτελεί ιδιοκτησία του Ρωσικού Κράτους – In the Church “Assumption of the Virgin” in Budapest, a built-in slab οn the outer side of the loft mentions Nikolaos Vikelas (grandfather of Dimitrios Vikelas) from Veria who was the prime mover of the erection of the church in the 18th century. In our days, the building, after long Soviet supervision, has a Pravoslav (Eastern Orthodox) stamp and is in possession of the Russian State.Newspaper article
1980Állami és társadalmi terminológia az etruszkoknál /‘The magistracies of the Etruscan Polis-States’/. (Hungarian, Diploma Thesis. Budapest, ELTE UniversityDiploma Thesis
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